Endorsements"Over the millennia dreams have been assigned different meanings by different people in different cultures. Dreamwork provides its readers an opportunity to sample them all, from indigenous shamans to famed storytellers to contemporary psychotherapists. The scope of this book is incredible, and anyone who reads it emerges with a changed perspective and a deeper appreciation of these nightly gifts." "Dreamwork is an exciting entrée to a flyby across time, continents and cultures, inviting dreamers to alight anywhere in this amazing anthology of writings to find inspiration and insights for pursuing their own dreamwork practices. Compiled by our guide, a practicing psychotherapist, this treasury of dream fact and fiction from famous personages of various times and perspectives provides brilliant illumination into everyone's nightly journeys into the Dreamtime." Dreams - many older cultures view them as visions of the future. But what does modern science make of them? "Dreamwork: Around the World and Across Time" is a scholarly look at the concept of dreams and how they are perceived in today's world. With pieces from psychologists, scientists, philosophers, and others, "Dreamwork" is an ideal read for anyone with an interest in the concept of dreams. Highly recommended for community library psychology collections. "Dreamwork Around the World and Across Time is a tremendous contribution to the soul of humanity. After working as a therapist doing dream work for many years, Leland Shields has done the 'work' and given us this amazing gift of insight into the dream. My sincere appreciation to him, and to the dreamtime that continues to dream itself and the unfolding of Creation in each moment." "Dreamwork presents a vast selection of perspectives on dreams from psychotherapists, philosophers, novelists, poets, and native traditions. The author's commentary to each of these offers us a path inward to appreciating our own mysterious dreams as well as to developing an understanding of ourselves that transcends our ordinary waking consciousness."
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