Dreamwork provides its readers an opportunity to sample them all, from indigenous shamans to famed storytellers to contemporary psychotherapists.
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.
co-author, Extraordinary Dreams
  After working as a therapist doing dream work for many years, Leland Shields has done the 'work' and given us this amazing gift of insight into the dream.
Eduardo Duran, Ph.D.
author, Buddha in Redface


You could say this book arose of its own accord – or rather through the individual selections themselves. For years of facilitating dream groups, I began each week with a reading to inspire fresh perspectives on dream meaning, interpretation and analysis. As time went by I noticed I had a fair compilation of excerpts and the idea occurred to me that an anthology may be of value to other dreamers or dream groups.

Naturally, more research was needed to bring a modicum of balance to some of the lighter sections. The research process was particularly interesting as it led to sources new to me, like the hadith in Islamic tradition, or linguistic sources of the word for “dream.” I am richer for the efforts.

If you have readings you find to be particularly helpful to your dream work that I have not included, please let me know. I always appreciate new perspectives.